
Protocols are signed between Universities and Turkish Aerospace to determine the principles and procedures for collaborations such as improving the education, teaching and research collaborations, launching joint research and development projects, and organizing scientific activities such as joint conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, panels.

List of Universities with Cooperation Protocol Signed

Abdullah Gül University

Anadolu University

Atılım University

Başkent University

Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji University

Atatürk Üniversitesi

Bandung Institute of Technology

Bilkent University

Bursa Teknik University

Çankaya University

Erzurum Teknik University

Gazi Üniversitesi EKTAM (Eklemeli İmalat Teknolojileri Merkezi)

Bursa Uludağ University

Ege University

Eskişehir Osmangazi University

Gebze Teknik University

Hacettepe University

İstanbul Medipol University

İstanbul Ticaret University

Kadir Has University

İstanbul Aydın University

İstanbul Teknik University

İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü

Kara Harp Okulu

Koç University

Milli Savunma University

Ondokuz Mayıs University

Samsun University

Konya Teknik University

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Sabancı University

Sivas Bilim ve Teknoloji University

Süleyman Demirel University

University of Texas, Arlington

Türk Hava Kurumu University

Yalova University

Program for Training Researchers for the Defense Industry (SAYP)
Program for Training Researchers for the Defense Industry  (SAYP) aims to train students who will do graduate study with a thesis in subjects needed by our company as a qualified staff in defense through our Company means.


Please check out the Defense Industry Office (SSB) SAYP program information page for program information.


Procedures and Principles of SAYP Projects:




  • A SAYP Protocol must be signed between SSM, Turkish Aerospace and the University
  • Starting, modifying and closing a project is subject to both Turkish Aerospace and SSM approval under Turkish Aerospace Internal Processes.
  • Turkish Aerospace primarily prefers Doctoral Thesis Projects rather than Graduate Thesis Projects.
  • The project subject (thesis subject) must be relevant to the Turkish Aerospace Technology Roadmap.
  • Project planning and Project Proposal is created by the relevant Turkish Aerospace department and the University.




  • The project is for three persons: Researcher (Theis Student: Doesn’t have to be a Turkish Aerospace staff member), Thesis Advisor (University Faculty Member Advising the Thesis Student), Industrialist Thesis Consultant (TUSAS staff member)
  • Thesis Advisor is paid personnel wages under the project (the wage amount taken by SSM and Turkish Aerospace will be considered).
  • Thesis Student may be paid personnel wages under the project if he/she is a University staff member.
  • Thesis Student who is not a University staff member and is not working for another company may be paid personnel wages under the project if the University has a TTO authorized to invoice.
  • The amount determined by SSM and Turkish Aerospace will be considered in project budgets.
  • Project payments from Turkish Aerospace to the University will be made through the University Revolving Fund Management Department or the University TTO.
  • Projects with a low Budget Statement Revolving Fund Coefficient (the Agency Share, in case of working with TTO) (less than 15%) are preferable.
  • Project procurements will be made by the University (Revolving Fund Management Department or TTO).
  • The financially successful completion of the project is subject to the condition of the publication of the thesis.
List of Universities for Researcher Development Programme of Defence Industry

Anadolu University

Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Başkent University

Bursa Uludağ University

Ankara University

Atılım University

Bilkent University

Çankaya University

Eskişehir Teknik University

Gazi University

Gebze Teknik University

HUTEN Hava Harp Okulu

Fırat University

Gaziantep University

Hacettepe University

İstanbul Ticaret University

İzmir Demokrasi University

Koç University

Ondokuz Mayıs University

Sabancı University

Kocaeli University

Konya Teknik University

Orta Doğu Teknik University

Sakarya University

TED University

Yıldız Teknik University

TOBB Economy and Technology University